ARM / Arm Prosthesis Race

Karla Bionics
About the Team
Karla Bionics is a spin-off company from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. We developed our prosthesis together with our user to ensure its desirability, feasibility and viability. We do this to fulfil our life-calling in making prosthetic bionic arms accessible and empowering difable to become Proud-Active through our design and engineering.
This year will be our second time participating in Cybathlon, and we hope to be able to perform better and have better results. We are looking forward to this year's event!
Karla Bionics
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Karla Bionics
Institut Teknologi Bandung

About the Pilot
Daffa Ryan Alfansyah is currently in his last year of vocational high school studying mechanical and business. He is one of the recipients of our prosthetic funding program in December 2022 in collaboration with Rumah Amal Salman. Despite devastating incidents last year, he is now returning back to school, so that he can keep pursuing his dream to have his own motorbike repair shop. He has inspired Karla Bionics to readily innovate more functional prosthetics. He is very enthusiastic and not afraid to challenge himself. We hope Daffa can inspire more youth by participating in this event.
Yayat Supriyatna is a passionate rock drummer with a warm and cheerful personality. He has been working for three years together with the Karla Bionics team to develop an innovative prosthesis. He believes that his condition is not a weakness, but a uniqueness, which can help open many possibilities for him to achieve something he could not do before. Do you want to see him playing the drum with his assistive device? Check out his YouTube channel at Yatshadowz.

About the Device
Panangan Prosthesis Arm is developed with affordability in mind to create a unique solution. A body powered prosthesis, Panangan uses a whippletree mechanism principle to create an intuitive gripping feature. We adapt a running shoe structure to create an adaptive and convenient socket. To improve the user's confidence, we utilise therm-formed Polyvinyl Chloride to create a bionic-like cover.