LEG / Leg Prosthesis Race

Contur 2000
About the Team
"It’s our passion to invent something new. I hope the prosthesis will be well appreciated by the user and can be commercialised", says team manager Krzysztof Kadej. The Polish team Contur 2000 of the same company name started at CYBATLON in 2020 for the first time. Their approach was: to combine the advantages of an active and a passive leg prosthesis in one device. This time in CYBATLON 2024 they start with simple knee prosthesis for a much larger group of possible users. The team has been working on the development for more than ten years. CYBATHLON is another source of inspiration for the developers.
Contur 2000

About the Pilot
"I am an optimist, I like competition and new challenges," says Adrian Bak. The electrical engineer lives in Poland with his wife and two children. He is an athletic guy, likes snowboarding and playing football. Eight years ago he had a road accident, as a result of which his left leg was amputated. His Contur 2000 prosthesis called "Knee4me" currently only has a passive mode, but it was made using 3D printing technology, which is new in this type of products. It's still a prototype, but from now on you will be able to use it every day. Adrian is more than delighted to be able to practice new obstacles on it.

About the Device
The "Knee4me" prosthesis of a knee is a simple device supporting people in their lives. This kind of solution is manufactured with a new approach technology in this kind of prosthesis - it's 3D-printing item in about 90%, what makes it less expensive and more available to a larger gropu of individuals.