ARM / Arm Prosthesis Race

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About the Team
ARM2u is a university team founded in 2018 based in Barcelona, currently located at the ETSEIB Campus of the Polytechnical University of Catalonia (U.P.C.).
Our mission is to improve the quality of life of people in need of assistive technologies through the development of an affordable user-centered myoelectrical transradial prosthetic arm.
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About the Pilot
Claudia Bernabé is an 18-year-old student who has recently entered university. She has had experience wearing a variety of prostheses. She currently wears a passive prosthesis and enjoys helping the ARM2U team get to the next level. She is eager to enter her first CYBATHLON competition and learn more about the innovation surrounding prostheses.
About the Device
Our device consists of a mioelectrical arm prosthesis controlled with EMG sensors, built and developed with 3D-printing technology. Our goal is to develop an affordable arm prosthesis, accessible for everyone. We participate in the cybathlon to demonstrate that it is able to go through the same tasks as the more expensive one's.