LEG / Leg Prosthesis Race
About the Team
Project Circleg began in 2018 as a study project for industrial design at the Zurich University of the Arts and is now an award-winning start-up. Fabian Engel, one of the founders, is team manager for the CYBATHLON 2020 and, together with the team and the pilot, he is pursuing a vision: "We want to use our skills as industrial designers to influence people's lives and the environment." Circleg fulfills both criteria: “The prosthesis is made from recycled plastic waste and is expected to offer a cost-effective solution for people in developing countries in the future, enabling them to live a life with self-determined mobility despite leg amputation.” Fabian is convinced that it’s this combination which makes Circleg unique: “We follow a user-oriented design approach, our modular passive and active prosthesis offers high functionality at an affordable price – uniting all these qualities, we are one of a kind in the world of leg prosthetics.
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About the Pilot
"My biggest dream would be to be a Formula 1 driver," Andre Frei says with a smile. Even if it remains a dream, he is liveing his passion for cars: he follows the racing action, has been on the track himself, drives go-karts, is interested in the technology behind and enjoys driving his Mustang. "The prosthesis is a bit like the a racecar, it's all about the technology, fine tuning and nuances. It's exciting to work at Circleg, we are a young team enjoying a relaxed atmosphere. We break new ground and leave the usual prosthesis environment and its approaches behind.” He had an accident with his scooter when he was 18 years old, and had to have his right leg amputated above the knee. “I like that the project is aimed at people from less privileged countries," says the student from the Rhine Valley. "I want to compare myself and our prosthesis at CYBTAHLON with the others.” For the hobby racer one thing is clear: “Without the timing it would be half the fun."